Monday, January 30, 2012

Can a person have Asperger's or PDD NOS even if they feel a lot of empathy for people and have theory of mind?

This person spends a lot of time imagining what other people might think, but they rarely know in the end what hypothesis is correct as it is mere speculation.

This person loves people and is very chatty and friendly

(but they tend to talk too much and are often told they go into more details than necerssary, tends to monologue and exhuast people).

This person loves so many people and feels quite strong emotions of love towards people who are not their family.

This person does not pick up on social norms as other people and makes mistakes and doens't understand what they've done wrong.

This person is an obessive perfectionist and tends to suffer from repetitive thinking.

This person feels like they have an engine running making them a bit speedy. Although thhis person never has problems sleeping, in fact this person can power nap at almost anytime of the day. This person gets mentally exhuasted easily.

This person is extremely naive and could never be manipulative and cannot predict other people manipulitveness and cannot stand dishonesty as this person believes it is always important to be honest and good.

This person is vulnerable to exploitation without even noticing it.

This person can be annoying when obsessing over something.

This person jigs about or picks at their fingers a lot.

This person gets music stuck in their head playing over and over a lot.

This person does not like parties or loud music.

This person has problems hearing people in large groups.

This person only likes people one to one or in small groups of 2 or 3.

This person finds it difficult to have 2 way conversations.

This person often doesn't get jokes. Everyone else does.

This person has a great sense of humour and laughs a lot.

This person is esay going (providing they don't have to stay up late and wreck their body clock).

This person is terrified of conflict and doesn't complain.

This person just wants everyone to be happy and for everything to be peaceful.Can a person have Asperger's or PDD NOS even if they feel a lot of empathy for people and have theory of mind?
An evaluation by a clinical psychologist would help determine which disorder, if any, he or she may have. I was actually thinking that this person may have ADHD instead, since ADHD can also cause social problems and problems interacting with others as well. The lines: "This person feels like they have an engine running making them a bit speedy,... This person gets mentally exhuasted easily..." %26amp; "This person jigs about or picks at their fingers a lot". Describe 3 of the most common symptoms of ADHD. Also could be some OCD or anxiety going on. Could also be multiple problems.

Like a said, it's really impossible to know without a thorough evaluation.

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