Monday, January 30, 2012

Does this sound like autism or pdd-nos?(or anything else)?

Ok. The child will be 3 in March. He has stayed at home since he was born, so he has never really had any interaction with other kids. If he is around other kids his age, he will sit back for like 15-20 minutes watching them. He watches them before he'll go and play with them. He does pretty good around adults. He'll talk to most of them, but only after a few minutes of watching them too. I personally think he is just shy. He has good eye contact, and is very loving. His speech is decent. He can speak 4-6 word sentences. But he still says alot that you can't understand, but he also says quite a bit that you can understand. He can count to 10, and knows half his colors. He can dress himself. Anyway, sorry for the rambling. I just wanted other people opinion on if this seems like normal 2 1/2 year old behavior. Thanks.Does this sound like autism or pdd-nos?(or anything else)?
If he had autism you would see a lot of repetition, if something changes he would notice it, autistic children require routine. Being withdrawn is just shyness.

Boys are typically a little later in developing so talking does take a little longer. I know a 3 year old boy (4 in May) and a 3 year old girl (4 in Sept) and the girl is much more developed and a better speaker then the boy, the girl is quite advanced as her mum was a preschool teacher and she is so determined, she wants to go to school already.

By what you say the boy seems like any normal 2 year old. Is he toilet trained?

See if he had autism, he would be slower at all areas of development, but since you had him toilet trained at the average age it doesn't seem the case. Trust me it is common for boys not to talk coherently, as I noted I know a 3 year, 4 in May and he still doesn't speak clearly and he goes to preschool 4 days a week (where I would expect children to learn a little quicker) . If he doesn't talk correctly by the time he goes to school, see a speech therapist.
its very normal behaviorDoes this sound like autism or pdd-nos?(or anything else)?
hes normal i think he just whatches them so he can get a good idea of how they act. very advanced for a 2 1/2 year old
NO he does not have autism! He is actually pretty advance for a 2 year old. its probably just a phase.Does this sound like autism or pdd-nos?(or anything else)?
My sister in law works with kids who have the conditions are are concerned about and I can tell you some encouraging news.

1. this type of issue does not become apparent until two or three years of age. If your 2 and half year old is making progress (learning colors and numbers) I would bet that he is ok

2. If he is watching, he is aware (not withdrawn)

3. It sounds like he is on track developmentally.

It sounds like you are right, he is just shy. Give him time. If you see his development slow or stop, or if he withdraws, take him to a specialist.
PDD.NOS can be hard to spot. Why does your dad think he may have it? Other than the hanging back, maybe anxiety and a mild speech delay (not really delay more like articulation issue) which can be signs of PDD.NOS you aren't describing much.

Does he point, nod, shake head, say pronouns like mine, how about play with a ball back and forth?

I would get him some interaction with peers some kind of group or something.

Here is a good assessment questionnaire:

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