Thursday, January 26, 2012

How do i know if my son has pdd-nos?

That depends on how old the kid is - there is a big difference between an 18mo and a 4yo - and often, PDD-NOS doesn't get diagnosed until some time in elementary school because a lot of specialists don't like to label when a kid's symptoms don't clearly fit a certain disorder. Try asking your pediatrician, early childhood intervention, and/or the school district.

FWIW, some specialists are a lot more likely to diagnose kids with PDD-NOS than others - so, some might say your child has it, and others might say he doesn't, but might for example say NVLD, or some other issues, or w/e. and other websites have lists of symptoms to check for early detection of autism spectrum disorders (PDD-NOS is an ASD that doesn't meet all the requirements for the other ASDs).
  • pdd nos
  • sprinter
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