Thursday, January 26, 2012

Has my son got pdd nos?

hespins around in his bum he cant walk yet he will look at you with the top of his eyes he will have temper tantrums and takes long to come out of them his only word is hi ya and says it all the timeHas my son got pdd nos?
You don't say how old he is but if he is over 2 I would say that you should DEFENITELY have him screened for that. Those are textbook symptoms. Other things you might notice: Is his Hi Ya seem to be sort of a repetitive chant some times?

Does his voice have an odd quality to it( high pitched or too loud or sort of sing songy)?

Does he seem too like firm hugs and touch OR the polar opposite can barely stand to be touched( clothes may even irritate him)?

If you really use all your senses to observe you may find that his tantrums, spinning, and chanting (if there is any) are related to some overload of one of his senses. Maybe a loud noise or a strong smell or a bright light.

Does he seem to be mostly interested with using toys by moving their parts. Moving the arm of a action figure instead of making him fly, rolling the wheels on a car with his finger rather than "driving" it over the floor, lining up toys in certain rigid patterns(usually straight lines). He may become very upset if his pattern is disturbed either by accident or for clean up time.

Is he likely to have a tantrum if he is engrossed in an activity and you tell him he has to do something else( get changed, eat dinner, etc.)?

He probably won't have all these signs but they are things to look for in addition to what you described.

Please, please, please contact you state's autism society and they will put you into contact with the people who can test him and get him the help he needs. So many people don't want to have a scary label put on their child so they don't get the testing done. I have an autistic son and I went through the don't want to know stage but I came out of it real quick. I realized that the problem was there and that it didn't matter what the problem was called it was still there. Getting the testing done leads to getting the help that can make such a big difference in helping him. Up to the age of three there are early intervention specailists who will come to your house and work with him and you to help you understand each other better. At the age of three the school system will take over and provide him with a whole team of people who will help him learn to do all the things that other children seem to learn on their own. Please feel free to e-mail me if you want more info or some sympathy cause I have a little of both.

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