Thursday, January 26, 2012

SSI Disability for my 3 year old son with diagnosis of PDD-NOS?

My son is 3 and does not speak. Developmentally he is not where he should be. At first doctors suspected Autism, but could not diagnosis him because of his age (at the time he was 1 1/2 - 2 years old. I took him to the Dan Marino Center and the neurologist there said that he would not diagnose him with PDD or Autism but with a severe language delay. This was about 6 months ago and still no progress despite the intense speech therapy and special needs school he attends. A friend of mine has a severely autistic son and she said that my son should be qualified for SSI......but he doesn't have a firm diagnosis yet? Anyone have any info on this? I don鈥檛 think he is getting the therapies and treatment he should because of the lack of diagnosis.....devastating for my son..SSI Disability for my 3 year old son with diagnosis of PDD-NOS?
At this point, I would get copies of all his medical records and copies of his therapy records (you should always keep this for your records). I would also request that his therapist and the teacher at the school provide you with a written evaluation of his progress.

Take this information and go back to the neurologist. If you still cannot get a definitive diagnosis, go for a second opinion with another neurologist. Does your son make any sounds and make his need known? Have you taken him to see an otolaryngologist to see if there is anything structurally wrong?
To Larry L, whos comment below sounds so ignorant. Yes, it isn't "devastating", but it is VERY hard on a child. My 6 year old son has PDD/NOS, and he has a VERY hard time functioning in everyday activities, and has a very hard time in communicating with others. Educate yourself before you speak.

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SSI Disability for my 3 year old son with diagnosis of PDD-NOS?
Larry is an obvious idiot who has no idea that PDD-NOS is lifelong. Without early intervention and the correct dx it will be devasting to the child and the parents who want to get their child the right help/therapy/training. His Psych told us it can be devasting and cause severe depression.

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First - run from the Dan Marino Center. I brought my 5yo with autism there because one of the doctors was calling himself a DAN doctor. Not true - he did nothing. You need to call any of the hospitals and get on a waiting list for an evaluation. UMASS is about 15 months ... you really need to call ALL of them and get on EVERY list. Time ticks away quickly. Once you have the diagnosis, you can apply for SSI. Email me directly and I'll help you out. SSI Disability for my 3 year old son with diagnosis of PDD-NOS?
What's "devastating" about it???? PDD/NOS is not disabling. Just leave him be. If you stress over him, you will only make it worse.

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