Monday, January 30, 2012

What is the difference between AUTISM , PDD-NOS , High functioning autism and ASPERGER'S ?

I am trying to figure out which one my son has (not sure if he has any , we have an app next month for a developmental pediatrician ).

Can you tell me which one my son has , even if it is a guess?

Shy with strangers, doesn't talk to them or say his name

Give a blank look when people are talking to him,but has good eye contact

Doesn't have much imaginary play

At the library or preschool doesn't participate in games with other kids but likes watching them

Lines up cars but doesn't get upset if I remove any of them

Throws up paper towel 3-4 times/day

Touches his eyelashes 2-3 times/day

Has 4-5 words sentence ( just turned 3 ) sometimes words are unclear

Knows letters,shapes,numbers,can count to 10,sings

Enjoys a lot numbers and ABC puzzles

Enjoys a lot musical toys

Can't ride a tricycle

Resists teaching unless given a M%26amp;M

Doesn't flap hands

no rocking

no echolalia

no sensitive to noise

He is ok if we change his routine

Plays well with siblings

Tells me about his achievementsWhat is the difference between AUTISM , PDD-NOS , High functioning autism and ASPERGER'S ?
Your son sounds similar to mine, and my son has PDD NOS.

PDD NOS stands for pervasive developmental delays. My son doesn't have a lot of the "classic" autism quirks (like the rocking, flapping, etc.) but his speech is delayed, used to not respond to his name, playskills were behind, etc. But my son is very social and affectionate. PDD NOS is a diagnosis they usually give these type of kids until they turn 8. Then it morphs into something else, either you'll see an Asperger's syndrome emerging, or ADHD, etc.

PDD NOS is kind of a vague diagnosis, and it covers a wide variety of kids, from more severe forms to very mild. The good news is if you start intensive therapy ASAP, these kids do really well. My son was pretty much non verbal until age 3, didn't understand anything anyone was saying, etc. He's now 4, and he talks in full sentences, responds to his name, has fabulous imaginary play, great eye contact, can ride a bike, etc. He needed speech, occupational and physical therapy to get to this point.

Anyways, I think your son will fall into this category. Its rare they give an Asperger's diagnosis before the age of 8 - and this is usually reserved for kids with poor social skills.
My video might help鈥?/a>What is the difference between AUTISM , PDD-NOS , High functioning autism and ASPERGER'S ?
i dont think he has any of those. maybe he is just a very sensative little boy to other people and is just a regular little kid. good luck...if he does have anything it is just fine he will act the same way. and dont give him any really special treatment and dont over-mother. he will be fine....a normal little boy :-)
If he plays well with others and makes eye contact and reponds to rewards, she probably is not autistic. But for more info go to, they make you register but it's free and worth the two minutes it takes to do. They have a lot of information, including a vidoe glossary so that you can see the differences in how autistic children interact as opposed to typical children.What is the difference between AUTISM , PDD-NOS , High functioning autism and ASPERGER'S ?
Everything on the autism spectrum is very complex. Maybe your son is on the spectrum, but nobody can tell for sure without evaluating him. And it is certainly impossible to determine whether he has HFA, PDD - NOS or Asperger's from a Yahoo description. I know you must be very anxious to find out what your son may have, but nobody can determine for sure until he undergoes a thorough evaluation. My friend's son is three, and was diagnosed with PDD at around 2 years old. They still aren't sure if he has typical autism, Aspergers, or what else. Only time will tell. Good luck to you and your son.

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