Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Advise about my childs medical issues?

I know this is NOT the place to ask a question like this. But after almost 5 years, and 8 surgeries, countless hospitalizations I have become So warn thin I need any help I can get. I have a 6 year old son, Who has a lot of weird little medical problems. Alone, they seem like no big deal. But together they have become too much for this little boy to take. He has a Low Immune system ( Iga and Igg) Irregular heart rate, and tachycardia. Gastro problems, Acid reflux. Failure to thrive, he cant gain weight well, and loses what weight he gains for no reason. He has ear infection all the time. He is almost fully deaf in one ear, and 50% in the other. He is Pdd-Nos ( Autism) He has always had trouble with bowl movements, and urine output. He has seen a specialist for it all. He has a neurologist, a cardiologist, an immunologist, an ETN, a Gasto Dr ext. It seems like every time I take him to the Dr. We get more bad news. I am looking for an answer in any place I can find it. My Hopes in all of this, Is there might be ONE Diagnosis. Maybe one thing wrong that can cause all of this, Or most of it? He has had 2 colonoscopys, 2 endoscopy's tubes in his ears twice, a heart surgery, and a hernia removed in the last 4 years. I have tried asking all of these Dr's lately. But they all are different Fields, so finding one common thing wrong with him, is almost impossible. Has anyone heard of something that can cause all or most of these symptoms? Any advice is welcome.Advise about my childs medical issues?
I'm not sure where you live, but you should get in touch with the Boston Children's Hospital.

We where unable to get my son's diagnosed and we went there from South Africa.They where great.

They did a whole heap of tests and then sent us to see a doctor in Canada that diagnosed our boy's.

Knowing what was wrong and being able to find the correct treatment has been a blessing, and takes the guess work out what route to take next.

It was well worth the trip and the effort.Advise about my childs medical issues?
Have you tried contacting what is it St Luke's I think it is The one founded by Danny Thomas,

I know what most of the problems are he is suffering from but I'm just a Medical Assistant.

And I have a son with autism my self.

Keep the faith and God bless.Advise about my childs medical issues?
Your son probably has Intestinal dysbiosis (imbalance of the GI tract) and needs 3-day stool cultures to determine what bacteria, yeast, parasites, etc. are present. Most likely he has NO good bacteria,several bad (pathogens), yeast infection. The lack of good bacteria results in very bad immune system (ear infections). The presence of dangerous pathogens (bad bugs) produces various endotoxins-which can cause severe constipation (or diarrhea in some), and neurotoxins which contribute to Autistic symptoms-and those bugs erode the linig of the GI tract allowing food particles to enter the bloodstream and create food allergies.The constipation holds in more toxins(like heavy metals that would normally be excreted but are now being absorbed via the leaky gut) .There is malabsorption/malnutrition with this.(I had tachycardia secondary to Klebsiella GI infection and it went away with antibiotic treatment-you will find it in the stool culture if it is the culprit.) Also, Klebsiella can invade other organs like the kidney.Your answer is all in one place-RUN-DON'T WALK away from conventional doctors and find a Wholistic or Integrative doctor-they know how to treat leaky gut syndrome and they can chelate heavy metals out. Treatment will go like this: stool cx,spectrocell studies, proper nutrients (he probably has NO amino acids in his system),antibiotics to kill the bad bugs in the GI, anti fungals to kill the yeast,probiotics w pre-biotics to plant good bugs, food allergy testing (blood-not skin), abstinance of offending foods. Once the leaky gut is healed you can retrain the immune system to not react negativly to those food via Allergicare Relief Centers ( then focus on chelation therapy to remove metals(oral capsules can be opened for easy admin).Be sure to follow doctor's orders on replacing important minerals in-between chelation days. Meanwhile, any way thaqt you can-assist his body to DETOX-saunas, ionic foot baths, clay baths, chlorella, organic foods and toiletries,sweating outside. A child can be recovered from the autistic spectrum-they are just a metabolic mess ,but with the right treatment you can get them back! I'm not a doctor, but I am an R.N. and I've spent $50K and the past 5 years of our lives on this journey-happy to report my kids are doing great-in normal school(Honor Roll)!!! I'm sending you my heartfelt Love and Support b'cuz I know you need it-just remember to hug and LOVE your child- these children do have a way of bringing something special to us-and BREATHE....If I can help you with anything else I'd be honored to. I know some excellent caregivers I can put you in touch with-it will save YOU money, unfortunately I had no one to help me navigate the system! E-mail Lori at is so much more info-can't put it all here!
read jenny mccarthy's book "louder than words"

i am not an expert, but many of your/his problems are coming off the autism spectrum. its an neuroimmune disorder. he might need to be on the diet that many autistic kids are on (it's all in the book) which can get his immune system up and running again. doctors will not recommend/tell u much about it because it has not "scientifically" proven to help. but there are many success stories. i forget what the diet is called but its all in the book.

hope this helps and may god bless your son.

p.s. have uthought about getting tubes in his ears?

im me on my messengers if u want to ask more i read this book its amazing!

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