Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Autism author needs help. Do you have a child on the spectrum? Can you help?

Hi, my name is Kara and I am calling all parents and caregivers who have children on the Autism spectrum to help me. I am writing a very unique book that has multiple viewpoints and advice to help our children on the spectrum. I have two children who have been diagnosed with Pervasive Development Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) and Aspergers. This book comes from my own need, but more importantly for all those I've helped and to those still in need of help.

I quickly realized that each child on the spectrum is unique. What works for one child does nothing for the next and vice versa. It got me thinking: This is a spectrum disorder so why is there not a book that offers a spectrum of advice? That's when I decided to write it.

I am taking on a huge burden by collecting and reading through thousands of questionnaires. That is where I need you! If you have a child on the spectrum visit my website at and fill out my questionnaire. My site explains in more detail what my project is all about and how I am donating 50% of the profits back to Autism charities. By participating you also get a free autographed copy.

This is a huge endeavor and I have already spent thousands of hours just trying to get the word out there. This book is not about my children but about all of our children. I spent 2 years with my son who cried all the time. I suffered from sleep deprivation and social seclusion.

I know that I am not the only one out there. I want to help them by providing a book that looks at sensory integration issues and how the clothing may be hurting your child, like it did my son, or how some children on the spectrum need less sleep and how melatonin is a viable option (I of course recommend talking to your doctor before using any supplements).

Those are just two pieces of advice that I have, can you imagine what I've come across reading these questionnaires? There is so much information out there, and it is time we collaborate. Get the word out! If you have a child on the spectrum I look forward to working with you, but don't forget to tell everyone you know to come and help too! This is one volunteer project that will help for many years to come!

Thank you!

K. E. Richards

www.TheManyFacesOfAutism.comAutism author needs help. Do you have a child on the spectrum? Can you help?
I too plan to visit your site and complete the questionnaire. Thanks for doing this.

My son was diagnosed with Aspergers several years ago %26amp; I had such a hard hard time finding books to help me understand it.

Believe it or not I found an auto bio that helped me most of all. The title was "LOOK ME IN THE EYE". It helped me understand so much of the things my son dealt with every single day.Autism author needs help. Do you have a child on the spectrum? Can you help?
I hope siblings who have brothers or sisters with autism is ok! I think it'd help to a wider audience!

I'll answer the questionnaire!Autism author needs help. Do you have a child on the spectrum? Can you help?
i have 2 sons dx with PDD.NOS too. I will did out the questionnaire.

I have a son that was diagnosed with Autism a year ago. I will go fill out the questionnaire. Thanks for doing this, I do believe more people need to know about it!

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