Sunday, February 12, 2012

Break contact with family?

I'm tired of seeing my family (parents, brothers and sisters) and am thinking seriously about breaking the contact. The things that happen may sound small but they all fall into the category of disrespect.

One thing is that they constantly tell me what and how to wear my clothes. Sure, a bit of advice is fine. But when the rest of the family has some 'plan' to change my bad clothing taste. And when I tell them that I really don't appreciate it and that I decide myself what and how to wear my clothes, one would would think that the message would get across.

But no- it doesn't.

Not long ago I was talking to my father about a girl I was dating. For some reason my dad thought it was time to give me some sexual advice and that I should be carefull not to get her pregnant. I thought "what the 'ell' ". Is he God and does he go around giving other people this adivce too?

I'm really sick and fed up of them. Family does not mean I can't choose not to see them ever again. Does it? Sure it is true that I have all the psychiatric problems in the world (PDD-NOS, social phobia, ..) and I've always needed help from my family. I wonder if it balances agains't the type of disrespect I get? I'm starting to think it doesn't. Life is hard and it's time to learn that the hard way?

What is the best way to break contact with my family?

Break contact with family?
Honestly you don't want to hear this. But im agonna say it anyways.

Your family will be with you for the rest of your life, and nobody else on this miserable vile puke desk we call earth will give a rats nard about you. It sucks, but you are young and haven't had the 'pleasure' to experience it for yourself.

This family thing is a two way street, You in turn will be 'in their family' for the rest of their life as well. Even if you leave them, you will still be in their lives.Break contact with family?
Well, after your break, you are still going to have your same family. Maybe they think that because Social Phobia and Autism are social issues, they think that you dress like this to keep people away. Wouldn't be the first time this happened like this. Maybe deep down inside, that is what you are doing. Maybe you need to talk to a psychologist to get help to figure out why your family is doing this to you. Maybe they are right, maybe they are wrong.

I would stand my ground though. Even the gothey freaks get to dress weird. Certainly socialphobes should get their dress-weird moments. Break contact with family?
Wow! I seriously did this once! I 'took a break' from my Mom and Dad to find out who I was on my own terms.

It was the best year of my life!

I set some limits with them. First I told them why I needed to do it. Then, I told them NOT to call me - no matter what, or I would change my number and move so they would not be able to bother me. Lastly, I told them that it was for at least one year.

At the end of the year (not to the exact day), I called them. I was ready. I knew who I was, what I needed and what I needed to do to live my life on my terms - not theirs.

I didn't just hang out and do whatever, though. I got a good counselor who helped me figure out my life and my responses to my life. She helped me to see how their behavior had affected me. It was hard work, but worth every minute of the whole year.

It worked for me.

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