Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Asperger's Syndrome and Anti-social behavior?????

I have been told that co-morbid conditions could be the cause of my friends anti-social behavior. What are co-morbid conditions? I am also curious if his choice of entertainment would have anything to do with it. He listens to violent music such as Insane Clown Posse and then goes and repeats the lyrics to other people when he gets angry. He also says that if he can't get in the army that he'll be a "rapist in a jason mask". I am also curious as to what happens when aspies can't get what the most want. He'll probably find a way of some sort into the army but if he were to be completely rejected would that increase the risk of him being unhappy the rest of his life? He also is completely uncaring to the consequences of his actions. I told him he could go to the stockade if he lies and he said that he didn't care at all. If it isn't the asperger's/pdd-nos that causes this, what could? He also swears horribly every time he gets mad. Again, any idea as to what causes this behavior?Asperger's Syndrome and Anti-social behavior?????
This sounds like more than aspergers. He needs some mental health care. People with aspergers would rather avoid confrontation.Asperger's Syndrome and Anti-social behavior?????
I was just wondering about the source of, "People with Aspergers would rather avoid confrontation." My husband has Asperger's and is certainly not adverse to conflict. I'd like to know if any respected literature supports that assertion. Thank you.

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Asperger's Syndrome and Anti-social behavior?????
Asperger's is co-morbid with many things to suggest this kind of behavior. Anti-social, bipolar disorder, ocd, schizophrenia, depression, catatonia, tourette's, and more. As to what happens when an aspie doesn't get what they want, it depends on the case. Some throw a temper, or cry, or sulk, or hurt themselves and others. I would get him to a specialist.
Yes, Asperger's and Anti-Social behaviour are often co-morbid conditions (that means that they exist at the same time). Asperger's is essentially a part of the Autism Spectrum and people with this syndrome have a hard time empathizing with others which is usually the reason they don't understand why their behaviour is so shocking to others.

The music isn't going to change anything but if you find the music offensive, you need to tell your friend that you are not interested in listening to it and that you take offense to the language.

It is also necessary to tell him that his behaviour and threats are not socially acceptable. He needs to understand that just because he doesn't see a problem with it, other people do and he needs to try to put an end to it.

You're a good friend to be as concerned as you are. Best of luck.

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