Saturday, February 18, 2012

How can my husband and i agree on discipline for our 5 yr old?

I have a 3 yr old and a 5 yr old. My 5 yr old is high functioning autistic or PDD-nos. He can talk but he still has tantrums, is very emotional, gets upset when he can finish his sentences. Sometimes he can get really hyper. My husband works 50+ hrs a week and Im home all the time. When im home with the kids i dont yell as much as when my husband is home. I admit i am more laid back than my husband but im home all the time and if something works for me then i dont see why i should change it. Im the one whos done all the research for my sons condition. Sometimes my son cant help what hes doing and my husband wants me to put him in timeout all the time but i dont think it works if its all the time. I just dont know what to do . Its putting a strain on our marriage. any advice??How can my husband and i agree on discipline for our 5 yr old?
Tell your husband to do some research of his own. He is also the parent so he needs to know what is going on just as much as you do. Then once he understands what is happening with his son it might be easier for you two to come up with an agreement.
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