Sunday, February 12, 2012

What does a 127 score on a WASL mean?

We went to my daughter's IEP this morning (she has mild PDD/NOS) and the teachers seemed very upset that she scored a 127 on her WASL. They acted like this is going to be some huge problem with transitioning to middle school.

What exactly does this mean? They were pretty vague about it.What does a 127 score on a WASL mean?
Given that a score of 130 and above is considered mentally gifted, the only reason I could surmise that they would be upset is because they didn't think your daughter is as bright as she is. I also see no reason why your daughter's IQ would impact her transition to middle school.

If she has never had a full-length IQ test (not an abbreviated one, like WASI), I might request one. THe reason is that she may score in the gifted range on a full-length test.What does a 127 score on a WASL mean?
400 is the score you have to pass here in washington. Dont worry though i never pass the wasl. hahaWhat does a 127 score on a WASL mean?
I think it is a short version of an IQ test-

100 would be avergae-therfore 127 is above average

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