Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What is the best soy milk for a 14 month old baby?

I have a 14 month old baby, that seems to be intolerant of cow's milk and dairy products. She is undergoing evaluations for ASD with a Behavioural Paediatrician Specialist as he suspects PDD-NOS from an initial 1 hour assessment. Our Dr has advised trying her on Soy milk and she has also been put on the GF/CF diet too. My daughter is improving with the GF/CF diet but still needs more positive results.

I was just wandering what is the best soy milk to try? It needs to be really high in all nutrients especially calcium but it needs to taste really nice too. My daughter is on 3 bottles a day plus a little bit more for her cereal everyday.

What do you think?

Thank you

JulieWhat is the best soy milk for a 14 month old baby?
No soy milk at all. Soy has so much phytoestrogen in it that it should be considered like a drug, instead of a food.

In addition, soy milk is really sweet - it has a lot of sugar.

She doesn't really need milk, so why give her any at all? Just give her foods without milk.

There is also rice milk available. But she can get her calcium other ways than having milk. Interestingly, the calcium that these fake foods are fortified with isn't very absorbable anyway, plus soy depletes the body of calcium.

At 14 months she's quite old enough to be eating entirely from a plate, without fortification from a bottle. So give her food.

EDIT: Also, many children who are allergic to milk, are not allergic to cheese - if this is the case, she could probably also tolerate raw milk.

This is because milk is created with the enzymes and natural probiotics we require to digest it. Pasteurization destroys these and makes it harder for many people to digest. Homogenization also breaks up the fat molecules and makes those impossible for us to digest. All those undigested proteins and fats make tummies very sick.

Thumbs down? Whatever - at least do your research on how much estrogen is in a bottle of soy milk before you actually give it to your baby.

For instance, did you know that feeding an infant soy formula is the equivalent of giving them 4 birth control pills a day? Remember, their bodies are a lot smaller than ours. So you have to consider her weight a factor as well.What is the best soy milk for a 14 month old baby?
My daughter couldnt drink regular milk either, I buy the name brand "SILK" it comes in a blue carton. They carry these in different flavors. Although some may not agree, we always got her VanillaWhat is the best soy milk for a 14 month old baby?
My 19 month old son has been drinking Nestle Good Start 2 Soy formula for the last 5 months since I stopped breastfeeding him. He likes the taste, it is high in nutrients and hasn't had any problems. He is also intolerant of cow's milk at this time. I can't find this formula in our grocery stores here..not sure if they have it where you are. I have to buy it at Target %26amp; even that has been a problem lately as some have it and others don't!! I do find it worth it to travel around for this particular brand though.

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