When i got Diagnosed with Asperger's they asked me if i was bothered by hugs from friends. i told them if i knew they were going to hug me, it was okay, but if they just jump to it, it scares the crap out of me, She told me that was one of the main ways Asperger's is diagnosed in girls, They don't like to be touched, I don't even like to be one on one with people, she said that is also a sign of Aspergers. Not liking to be touched by strangers is a good hint for Asperger's but than again, doesnt everyone fear strangers? I don't even like when friends walk up and stand behind me, or put their arm around me.
I dont know if thats what you ment by your question, but its the best i can do to help.
Mad_CatZAutism Spectrum, dislike touched by strangers, okay by close friends?
not everyone with an ASD has problems with being hugged or touched,some people are hypO not hyper sensitive to hugging.
in autistics,its supposed to be caused by fight or flight reaction triggering,possibly due to the fact we have more of these stress chemicals than normal.
am severely autistic,and didnt accept hugs off anyone without attacking them away until in twenties when was given a slow approaching but not soft touch 'bear hug' [very very tight hug],like most who first find this out-had fought them upon starting but after a while, had completely relaxed because am soothed by heavy pressure,it then became clear that everyone else in past had been approaching quite fast with no choice given,with light touch and brushing.
and now,am able to accept heavy hugs off support staff,its written into care plan to use 'bear hugs' as a better form of restraint alot,though am not able to hug people-being the one that does it,does not make sense to self.
am living with many other people [children and adults] who are on the severe or profound spectrums of autism and one person especially [adult] is obsessed with hugs and touch,so we are different,but may find that some people just dont have that fight or flight trigger from hugs/touch or may have had the support to grow tolerence for them.
have got a sensory item called the southpaw bear hug deep pressure vest,which gives bear hugs without the people involved,woud recommend this if were actually interested in the presure side of hugs but just not the touching or closeness etc,the vest is very calming and can wear it every day.
they coud help build up tolerence for hugs as well.
sensory integration therapy may be able to help,but this doesnt have to be profesional if have got someone supportive/that trust very well-they can slowly help build up tolerence to touch and hugs,
theres a number of sensory integ. shops like rompa that sell basic tactile and pressure equipment which coud all help towards it,but it depends if feel ok with where are right now,as no one shoud force into hugging for someone elses sake if that is not what woud want.Autism Spectrum, dislike touched by strangers, okay by close friends?
yes it is a typical symptom.
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