Thursday, February 2, 2012

Is there a reason to get final diagnoses of autism?

My son is 3 yrs old and his neurologist and peditrician thinks he is somewhere on the autism spectrum and prob is pdd-nos.They refered me to a child psychologist to get diagnoses.My son already take OC,PT and speech for his sensory issues and severe speech apraxia.He is also in a special ed prek at school.Is there really any medical reason I need to get a diagnoses of autism or since he gets help anyway could it wait.Is there a reason to get final diagnoses of autism?
The most important thing I believe for all parents, for all children who may be on the spectrum is having an accurate diagnosis.

Is it really autism or pdd-nos or could it be angleman or fragile X syndrome. If it's the later the diagnosis is important because of the medical conditions that should be monitored with each syndrome. If it could be fragile X then their are the risks and health conditions to be monitored for not only the child but for other family members who may be carriers. You may want to ask to be seen by a genetic counselor, even if you have no family history, to rule out genetic conditions that have many autistic characteristics.

The right diagnosis, and we have a dual diagnosis of fragile X and autism, is important to me because it's allowed us to participate in research studies, mostly speech/language, social, MRIs, etc. It's allowed us to participate in a clinical trial in which we've had awesome results. It allows me to closely monitor on-going research which is quickly evolving in the fragile X field with numerous new drugs in clinical trials which in the animal model reversed symptoms and improve cognitive ability.

Also a diagnosis may not seem important now but one must look to the future, what will happen when he's 18, will not having a diagnosis create a problem when applying for support services, social security, medicaid, etc? One most keep in mind that a label/diagnosis will not define a child unless you let it do so, and it may open other doors.
Medically, it won't make a difference in and of itself. But an official diagnosis would be very helpful when/if your son starts public school, especially if he is mainstreamed to any degree. Public elementary schools provide services for children with autism spectrum disorders. These could be social skills training, classroom education assistants, etc. Unfortunately, school resources are more limited when it comes to kids without diagnoses. There are financial reasons why you might want a diagnosis, too, like if you want to collect disability payments. And simply the peace of mind could be a good thing - if you postpone the diagnosis, you'll probably have this hanging over your head.Is there a reason to get final diagnoses of autism?
My son, who is now 19, was diagnosed with autism and 4, through the school district. I took him to a neurologist when he was nine and then was diagnosed as having Asperger's Syndrome. I made no difference in the way he was educated or treated by doctors. He's just who he is and no diagnoses is going to change that. Most school districts have a criteria on the way they educate children on the autism spectrum no matter what you call it.
In my opinion, I wouldn't wait to get the final diagnosis. You want to make sure you have the right diagnosis in order to give your son the proper treatment. Keep doing what you are doing but I suggest making the appointment with the psychologist.

Praying for you and your family.

God Bless.Is there a reason to get final diagnoses of autism?
My son is three years old also and was diagnosed with severe apraxia. Previous to the diagnosis, I took my son 45 mins away 3 times a month for screenings with a neurologist, ear nose throat dr, etc...he isnt autistic, autism is more like an attention or behavioral problem. The question here is whether you saw the pediatrician first and had her send your son to specialists or if you went to the specialists first. There is no medical reason for you to get a diagnosis of autism. The severe speech apraxia seems similiar to a more serious medical issue like autism and other things, but it is not ! Dont ever let anybody tell you your child is add or autistic when your child is indeed, only apraxic. I understand that it can be very frustrating because i'm right there with you on that. But imagine how frustrating it is to our sons that know what to say and how to say it but they just cant! And whatever you do, dont act like theres something wrong with him, because eventually he will think the same thing, thus putting more stress and frustration on him as well. if you want to talk about things email me, I'm a mommy to a bright apraxic child, and more than willing to converse with other moms who are in the same boat as i am.
Autism is a psychological disorder. That's why you were referred to a psychologist. If your child does have autism, then the speech "apraxia" and sensory issues are psychological defenses. The reason you need a final diagnosis of autism is this: If your son does in fact have autism, he will suffer psychological trauma if he is pressured to abandon his defenses through OC, PT, speech therapy and other behavioral training. My suggestion is that you stop that right now just in case.

I suggest you do some research on psychoanalytic studies of autism. Kleinian psychoanalysis provides some excellent insight.

I am a 66 year old autistic, btw.

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