Thursday, February 9, 2012

Do you think that I'm a loser?

I'm a 17 year old male who has never gone on a date, has problems talking to girls, has PDD NOS, is insecure about how his body looks, and has no job. Yeah, ever since I can be able to remember I've had problems speaking with girls, I've never known really what they like to talk about, always get locked in thought especially with the attractive ones so I can't really get anything out, and no wonder I've never been on a date. I can only converse with them in an objective manner, for example doing a school project. Moving on, I have PDD NOS (its a disorder on the autistic spectrum but not as severe,) so throughout my elementary and middle school years I've had Paras around me to help me academically, so kids, that are now my peers, all think or thought that I'm receiving unnecessary help and that it was unfair. So, it was hard to make friends however I still managed to make a few, but not many. I am also insecure about my weight and height, being 5'11" and 160lb and I know I shouldn't be upset with that but I am. And yeah, I don't have a job because I don't have good social skills especially with people I don't know.

I play a decent amount of computer games, do my homework, get good grades, and work out by biking, playing tennis, or other physical activities. I try and stay away from watching TV, as I find it uncomfortable to sit that long and use little brain power or my body. Just some other information I'd like to share for you to judge me on.

Do you guys think I'm a loser?Do you think that I'm a loser?
aw im sorry. try finding girls who like what you like. being honest your not gonna get the head cheerleader. but im sure you can find someone. you have your whole life ahead of you(:

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