Thursday, February 2, 2012

What are the best non invasive detox methods for children?

I am looking to detox heavy metals and other harmful substances in myself and 2 boys with PDD-NOS / Autism (in partial remission).What are the best non invasive detox methods for children?
I am totally biased toward using DMSA and ALA. Both oral and in low doses. You will see many, many products out there now that claim to chelate and clathrate (is that a word?), but most are untested, make outrageous claims and are full of testimonials from unknown people. A few of those are PCA-Rx, NDF, and Zeolites.

Change the diet. Try gluten/casein free for a trial period to see if it helps (needs to be a solid effort). Try supplementing with Omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, magnesium, possibly vitamin B6 and a few others.

There is a ton of information out there. I've given you a few links below, but you sound like you've perhaps done a bit of digging already.

Good luck to you. This situation is all too common these days. Don't let anyone discourage you from investigating ways to help your boys... PDD and Autism are very treatable.What are the best non invasive detox methods for children?
i wouldent do a detox on a child with out talking to a natropath you could do more harm then good Im all for clenses but I think they need to be done carefully in kids and adultsWhat are the best non invasive detox methods for children?
fortunately due to a little known thing called genetics its more than likely that your children were born with two naturally detoxing organs called the liver and the kidneys.

detoxing is a total scam with nothing by means of actual supporting evidence, read the source(mp3 narration provided on site as well) for more info

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