Thursday, February 2, 2012

My son is almost 3 with PDD and I cant seem to get him potty trained...?

My son was recently diagnosed as having PDD-NOS, a high functioning form of autism, and I am having the hardest time potty training him, does anyone have any tips for me, please!!My son is almost 3 with PDD and I cant seem to get him potty trained...?
At this point you still want to wait for him to first show signs of readiness. Is he showing most of them, like being dry for 2-4 hours at a time, can follow simple instructions, dislikes being wet soiled, responds well to praise? If not, just put potty training aside for now and wait until he's starting to show signs. Half of all neurotypical boys aren't potty trained by 31 months so you're still absolutely within a normal range now, and most often children with special needs are just later.

Our OT was the one who helped us the most with potty training. She gave us a few suggestions (like sitting her on the toilet while she's wearing a diaper) which didn't work out for us but was really worked like magic was the social story. Our DD has classic autism but is also high-functioning and many children on the spectrum are visual learners. And not just a little bit - like *extremely* visual learners. Writing a little story with a few little pictures including DD's name worked like a charm. We could get our daughter to sit on the toilet but could not get her to actually pee. She'd ask for a diaper pee in it and immediately take it off. That went on for months, but within a few days of getting the social story she was peeing exclusively in the toilet - it finally all clicked and made sense to her.

Ask your OT for suggestions or to help create a social story. Potty training is absolutely within their domain of expertise.
I'm not sure how to help you, but I just wanted to say I also have a son with PDD-NOS, he is 3 and a half (turning 4 in April) and he is also still not potty trained. I have heard it is not uncommon for boys not to potty train until age 3 and a half or 4 and that is for a "normal" child too... a child developing normally who does not have Autism or other developmental delays. In addition to having PDD-NOS my son has developmental delays in multiple areas...speech difficulties and delays in fine and gross motor skills (hence why he is currently going to an integrated preschool receiving speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy). I don't think you are alone in this...just keep trying to put him on the potty if he is willing (don't force him if unwilling) and offer bribes/praise for trying...more praise when he actually goes. Also put your child in regular underwear or have them go bottomless... I have heard Pull-Ups hinder the potty training process because the child thinks of it like a regular diapers.My son is almost 3 with PDD and I cant seem to get him potty trained...?
Speak with his doctor about it.

It is often more difficult to potty train special needs children. And special techniques may need to be used.
I have 3 sons with autistic spectrum diagnoses. My oldest is PDD.NOS. He was 3.5yrs old when potty trained. It took 1 month to train him. He wore pull ups, and got a matchbox car for every day he peed in the potty for 1 month.

My middle son and also my most autistic trained himself in 1 day fully @ 32 m old. He just decided he was done with diapers. No pull ups, no positive reinforcement. Completely trained, even @ night he just did it.

My 3rd son took 1 week. No pull ups. He was 3.5yrs as well. No toys either. Praise. I would have him sit on the potty for 30 sec every 2 yrs while awake. Accidents we ignored, success lots of praise.

Typical developing boys potty train @ 3.5-4yrs and ones with delays betw 4-7yrs on average.

He may not be ready. I thought that the pull ups were a hindrance. Also try to have him sit, not learn to stand. My oldest had issues with sitting since he learned to pee standing.My son is almost 3 with PDD and I cant seem to get him potty trained...?
Since his brain works differently i would suggest putting him on the toilet every half hour to an hour because it gives him lots of chances to go potty. And try to bribe him by saying he will get a candy if he goes potty. Hope i helped
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